The Power of Self-Care: There’s more to it than what you think

Moisturising, bubble baths, affirmations? While these are forms of self care, they are the equivalent of fast food. They are cheap, easy to access and satisfying (in the very short term). Self care runs far deeper, here are a few ways to reframe it into something nourishing with longer lasting results.

1. Getting your finances sorted. I don’t just mean at tax time so you can get your return back ASAP. It’s figuring out the stuff no one ever taught you so that money is no longer something that strikes fear and causes anxiety. Taking a deep dive into sorting your finances is radical self care.

2. Go to the GP on the regular. Medical care and self care, boom. Make a non negotiable appointment and regardless of how you feel, turn up! You don’t need to be sick to visit your Dr and prevention is better than cure, so off you go.

*if you don’t like your GP, find a new one. GPs are there to help you, not the other way round.

3. Learn to say no! This is ultimate level self care. Somewhere along the line we were taught that the person asking has needs that are more important than ours, as my Mum would say “rubbish” it’s not a competition. Saying no can mean saying yes to yourself, when you look at it that way the decision becomes a whole load easier. 

You’re the only one we’ve got, please take care of yourself.

#selfcare #selfcaretips #finances #tax #radicalselfcare


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