Comparative suffering is keeping you stuck
"I know I've got it pretty good, I shouldn't even complain"
"Yeah, but someone has it way worse than me"
"I am not sure I even need counselling, my issues aren't that bad"
These are the sorts of things I hear over and over and they are the reason people are stuck, they want something more and by comparing themselves to others they give away their power to take action.
These sorts of comparisons don't do anything productive for anyone, let me give you an example that’s easy to understand.
When someone is hungrier than you are, you don't feel the need to eat less because their hunger is bigger. Starving yourself isn’t going to make them feel full. If you are really worried about their hunger, order another dish.
While this comparative suffering is well intended and it can give you some perspective, what it really does is lessen your capacity for empathy, devalue your own feelings and creates a mysterious “other” to measure yourself by.
There are no winners in the Comparative Suffering Olympics, do yourself a favor and drop out of the race.