Where are you going so fast?
This used to be me and on some days it still is, I wanted everything to happen right now. I wanted it done and over with. Signed, sealed and delivered, yesterday.
The thing is, there is no end point. No destination to reach. No place to get to.
It wasn’t until I got older that I started to realise that the only thing that came out of doing things so quickly was the start of a new issue to work out, a new problem to solve and as soon as I finished the cycle of doing I was right back on the mouse wheel doing the same thing.
Have you ever been in traffic with someone who is driving fast, overtaking people aggressively only to pull up beside them at a traffic light all that energy expended only to end up in the same spot as the people they had overtaken earlier.
Going fast may help us finish first but it means we miss the lessons that are along the path, we miss the people who could help us, we miss the opportunities that were waiting to be taken, we miss the moment to catch our breath, regroup, reassess, exhale.
Are you feeling like fast is the only speed you know? Need some help to slow down? Get in touch hellokatrinaj@gmail.com