The one question you need to ask yourself

The solution won’t be found in the problem you are having, they exist separately to each other yet we love to hold tight to our problems, hoping that squeezing the tighter will somehow cause the solution to pop out. 

You need to shift your focus to the solution. 

The problem matters less than you think. Yes, it’s good to identify what the problem is so we know what we want to change but we don’t need to put the problem under a microscope, repeatedly tell anyone who is listening, examine it as if it is a rare disease.

You really only need to ask yourself this one question “Am I focused on the solution or the problem?”

Focusing on the problem keeps you rooted in the past, a place you will stay until you start focusing on the solution will shift you to thinking about the future, the only place you can have any control over. 

Want to learn more about shifting your focus? Book in a session now. 


Feeling bad is enough.


Where are you going so fast?